Welcome to the Hickson lab
at the Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Center, affililated with the Université de Montréal
We are a basic research lab whose main goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of cytokinesis, the final stage of cell division where cells physically split into two. Cytokinesis is a multi-step process essential for the development and homeostasis of all tissues, and is frequently misregulated in cancers. We use live cell imaging and cell biology approaches to understand how the cells' various cytoskeletal elements cooperate with each other and the plasma membrane to ensure that cytokinesis occurs faithfully.

Core mechanisms of Cytokinesis
Developmental variations of Cytokinesis
Interplay between the actin and septin cytoskeleton
The current team
(under construction)

Interested in studying cell division in the beautiful, multi-cultural city of Montréal?
We seek motivated and qualified students and postdocs. Please email me your CV, academic transcripts, and a short letter of motivation that outlines your interest in our work.
We are located in the state-of-the-art research centre of Sainte-Justine Hospital:
3175 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T 1C5, Canada
office +1 (514) 345-2189